Women's Leather Handbags
At Teddy Sinclair, we search the world to find you the most stylish, the most well made, the most practical bag. Then we look for those buttery-soft leathers that age and patina so well and that will shape to your needs.
Leather vs Vegan
With the rise of the plant-based movement, the perception of leather has shifted. In an ideal world we wouldn’t eat meat, but until then, leather is a by-product, so giving purpose to the idea of giving respect by using the whole animal we are working with makers who are committed to using sustainable and ethical manufacturing techniques. Vegan leathers like cactus & pineapple, and PU leathers can contain more than 50% plastic. In reality the vegan leathers do not last long and will be thrown away much sooner, creating more landfill. So we figure the most sustainable thing to do is to go for the long lasting, recyclable and biodegradable leather option.